Monday, April 30, 2012

And This is Why I Love Him...

Sometimes I think I'm Superwoman.  Sometimes I think I actually need to do every single thing I think about.  Here's a fabulous example:

This weekend My Guy and I were enjoying a lovely afternoon lunch, discussing goals and our future.  I am so comfortable around him, I felt ready to share my really aggressive goal for 2014.  I do need to disclose beforehand for those of you that may not know me in real life; I'm not really athletic.  Sure, I work out a lot, and I keep very fit, I have competed in a Triathlon, but I am no athlete.  Make no mistake.  I get bored running.  I think sweat is gross.  While I enjoy feeling good about myself, I also enjoy my two good friends, Ben and Jerry. 
So, I look My Guy square in the eye and say, "Honey, next year I want to compete in a 5k every month."  I instantly feel proud that I've shared my goal, and now will be held accountable for it- until I get a look at the expression on My Guy's face.  He has this awkward smirk, and I think it's because he doesn't think I can do it- so I immediately go on the defense- "I can absolutely do a 5k.  I walk the dog about 3 miles, what's the difference?"

In the sweetest way possible My Guy holds my hand (and this is when I know he's about to tell me something that I probably didn't consider...) "Honey, I know you could do it, but we live in New England.  What kind of 5k do you think you're going to run in the winter?" 
Point taken.  Now, I guess I need a different goal.


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